"The Untold Story of Kanbun Uechi", a Book by Keisuke Fujimoto Sensei

fujimoto bookA new book by Keisuke Fujimoto Sensei, chairman of the Okinawa Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do Association (Tokyo Shibu), is now available in English. The name of the book is "The Untold Story of Kanbun Uechi" and describes the life, times, and personality of Kanbun Uechi, as well as the origins and history of Uechi-ryu. Inside the 175 pages of this book, Fujimoto Sensei, as he claims, does not aim to authenticate or disprove any existing other works, but simply to satisfy his own curiosity and present the subsequent findings. We are looking forward to receiving a copy of the book, go through its contents and get an insight in many aspects of the life of Master Uechi Kanbun.

For more information, you can visit: http://www.okikukai.jp/English/index.htm